Project 2 Documentation, Critique Discussion, & Reflections

Critique Notes: The notes I received on this project were few, but helpful. I noted that the idea of her emotionally struggling could be pushed further. Show more distress in the face or even in the objects around her. I also noted to work on the water part of the composition. Tweak it so it is more apparent that it is water so the idea is not lost in translation. I also noted that I should observe the composition as a whole. What parts of the composition work on their own? Do I need everything that is included in the piece to get my point across? All together, my notes were to make the idea I was going for more clear and apparent.

Reflections: This project was not one of my favorites. Not because of the prompt, but because I felt it was not a strong piece that I created. I wanted to do something a little different and challenging for this project, which is why I chose to do it digitally. I do think there are parts within the piece that work, but overall, I did not like my final product.

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